Keep a Kid’s Smartwatch Connected to 2G/3G with Smartwatch SIM Card

Keep a Kid’s Smartwatch Connected to 2G/3G with Smartwatch SIM Card

We live in the age of the evolvement of smart technologies and wearables. We, also, live in the time where we face  the risk of potential threats in unexpected places. This is especially relevant to youngsters and the times when they are left alone. Thanks to GPS technologies and smartwatches in particular, parents can now monitor their kids’ location in real time and even make phone calls in emergency cases.

If you are looking for the most affordable and reliable way to stay connected with your child while they are not at home, then the Smartwatch SIM card from Keepgo is just the thing for you The Smartwatch SIM card is the best way to keep the smartwatch of your child connected to 2G and 3G networks in more than 100 countries. No matter to what popular destination you are heading, you may be 100% certain that you won’t lose connection with your child.

What Does Smartwatch SIM Card Include

The Keepgo Smartwatch SIM card is a 3-in-1 SIM kit that includes a SIM card with adapters that will fit any mobile device. Thus, you will be provided with a Nano SIM card with Micro and Standard SIM card adapters, which ensures that your smartwatch will be connected to the 2G and 3G networks with no issues.

The Keepgo Smartwatch data SIM card will keep your wearable device connected to the local networks in 100+ countries. The list of the popular destinations expands constantly. So, the time when you decide to travel to the remote destinations in the North & South America, Europe, Asia, etc. you may check the availability of supported networks on the updated coverage list.

Connecting a smartwatch to the 2G and 3G networks, the SIM card lets you track the location of your child in real time using the GPS tracker, send messages in WhatsApp and other popular apps. The thing that makes the SIM card so unique is that your kid may not even have a smartphone nearby.


Top Reasons to Try It

There is no doubt in the fact that the Keepgo Smartwatch global data SIM card is a handy solution for both parents and their kids. This is the all-in-one solution for the fans of such wearable devices as smartwatches. With the global data SIM card, you don’t need to worry that people won’t be able to connect with you when you left your smartphone at home.

Several other reasons to try the Global Data SIM from Keepgo include:

  • 3-in-1 set of adapters that match all popular slots sizes.
  • Every refill extends your subscription for 1 more year.
  • There is no need to refill monthly.
  • You can buy the yearly subscription starting from only $19.
  • The global 2G/3G data is delivered on all smartwatches that require 2G network in 100+ countries.
  • The SIM is activated online easily.
  • No contract is needed.


What’s the Price?

Buying the Keepgo Smartwatch SIM card for $10 you will be provided with 5MB of data at the start.  This will be enough to test your smartwatch connection and help you decide which pricing plan is right for your child..

There are 3 pricing plans provided. All of them are valid for 1 year:

  • Plan S - $19 – 500MB of data
  • Plan M - $35 – 1GB
  • Plan L - $85 – 3GB

There is no need to refill the data monthly. Whenever you run low, you can refill your balance with your credit card. There is also the auto-refill option available. This is especially convenient when you are on-the-go and need to stay connected 24/7. With every new refill your subscription will be extended for 1 more year. Unlike such mobile operators like T-Mobile, you do not need to pay monthly.


In Conclusion

What’s your attitude to using smartwatches? Do you have one? And what about your child? Inserting the Global Data SIM card in your kid’s smartwatch you will never lose connection. Use GPS tracking, send messages, and communicate via popular apps all year round. Save extra cash and forget about the monthly refills and enjoy a high-quality connection all year round!